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Jabana Extras Lines contain 1 font which generates individual lines automatically while you are typing. They are developed for the font families Jabana and Jabana Alt, but also works with other fonts very well.
You’ll get crazy about it, because the lines are combinable and flexible in shape and width. Just switch on the ligature feature (opentype) and type from “a” to “z” or “A” to “Z”. Try it, learn it, love it! (Make sure your software supports opentype)
You will have 200 of different lines! Even 400! Depends on your creativity!
Have fun!
Nils Types also offer big BUNDLES & PACKS
Icons, Ornaments & Arrows — 12 Fonts = 44.00 $ — http://crtv.mk/q01H2
Jabana MEGA Bundle — 52 Fonts = 150.00 $ — http://crtv.mk/d00v4
Jabana Complete Pack — 20 Fonts = 130.00 $ — http://crtv.mk/t01BI
Jabana Alt Complete Pack — 20 Fonts = 130.00 $ — http://crtv.mk/r01P6
Please download the specimen to get to know, how the Extras and Opentype-Features work. https://www.dropbox.com/s/pbtqobbj8r46d7w/Jabana-NilsThomsen-2015.pdf?dl=0
- Activate ligature-feature and type A—Z or a—z.
— Elements are biult of 3 glyphs, activate automatically. - Pleasy try some Lowercase: eeeee
- And try also some Upercase: EEEEE
- Hyphen is always a middle line
- Pleasy try: GFFFG
- And try: B---B
- Each combinations is possible.
You can test directly in the window above !!!
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