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Herbarium Font is a symbol font presenting beautiful, hand-drawn herbs sketches. You can simply place any of 14 herbs by pressing A to N letter on your keyboard (for the keymap please see the 3rd screenshot).
Herbs are great addition to your website, poster, card, package, illustration and many others.
If you are looking for vector version of this (.ai, .eps), feel free to purchase it here: http://crtv.mk/rUiF
Please note that the examples on the 1st and 2nd screenshot are not included inside the pack.
Herbs latin names:
A - Cassia acutifolia Del. B - Rubia tinctorum L. C - Viscum album L. D - Sinapis alba L. E - Genista tinctoria L. F - Calendula officinalis L. G - Ledum palustre L. H - Primula officinalis (L.) Hill I - Linum usitatissimum L. J - Arctostaphylos uva ursi L. K - Centaurium umbellatum Gilib. L - Grindelia squarrosa Dun. M - Althaea officinalis L. N - Malva silvestris L.
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