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Download Makers Script & Sans Serif Script Font

Download Makers Script & Sans Serif Script Font

Download Makers Script & Sans Serif Font by Andrey Sharonov in Category Script Fonts File Sized 301.02 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Coellack Typeface 27% OFF Carimba - Monoline Script The Goldsmith Buntara Typeface.

Download Makers Script & Sans Serif Font
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Makers is the duo of Script and Sans Serif typeface. Сonditionally can be considered that Script is the main font and Sans Serif is additional. Mostly duo Makers creates the mood of the last century and well for creating logos and lettering in vintage style. But if you wish, you can do a very modern design with this. This font are well associated with the hand crafted products and any light industry.


The main feature of this font are special connections between certain letters (for example, em en ch ck and others), which gives maximum smoothness to words. In addition, all the letters are very rounded and have drop-shaped tips. The font also include stylistic alternates of uppercase latters, different length of swashes and some special ligatures in Sans Serif version.


  • Makers Script ( ttf and otf files);
  • Makers Sans Serif ( ttf and otf files);
  • Short instruction for using stylistic alternates, swashes and ligatures.

If you have any questions feel free to contact me.

Hope you enjoy it!

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