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Mix Stitch, is an embroidery lesson disguised as a font, fit for handmade and DIY themed projects. Can be used to emulate embroidery in images, or as a guide to teach kids how to write. So many uses for this fun font, I don't even know where to begin.
- ZIP of 1 digital file (TTF or OTF)
- This TTF or OTF file is meant for use on desktop computers or laptops. We cannot guarantee usability on your tablet or smartphone.
Includes the following characters:
- abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
- 0123456789 !@$#%^&*()`~
- ×+=[]:;'",.|/?{}“”‘’-–—…
- ♥•©®«»°²³¡¿¢€£¥½¼¾§
- áàâäãéèêëíìîïñóòôöõøúùûü
Visit www.mixfonts.xyz for more digital downloads by Mikko Sumulong!
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