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Download Faith & Glory Script Font

Download Faith & Glory Script Font

Download Faith & Glory Font by Sam Parrett in Category Script Fonts File Sized 535.79 KB with format EOT, TTF, WOFF, SVG, WOFF2 Shizuka Brush Script Constanta Brush Font + Swashes Camphor & Hugo: 2 Fonts + 40 illus. Fairytales Script.

Download Faith & Glory Font
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Thanks for checking out Faith and Glory! These 2 hand-painted brush fonts are designed to perfectly combine with one another and allow you to create beautiful typography with a personal touch.

Ideal for; Logos, printed quotes, invitations, image overlays, greeting cards, product packaging, text headers, & whatever else your imagination holds!

What's Included;

Faith and Glory One Is a script font which includes upper & lowercase characters, punctuation, numerals, and multilingual support. Alternates are available for several lower case characters, these are accessible by turning on 'Stylistic Alternates' in Photoshop, or via any software with a Glyphs panel (Illustrator, Photoshop CC, Inkscape). For those who are unable to access the alternates via this method, an 'Alt' font is included in your download. Just install it, select 'Faith And Glory One Alt' from your software and type away to input the alternates!

Faith and Glory Two Is a condensed brushed font containing uppercase only characters, punctuation, numerals, and multilingual support are also included. Alternates are available for key characters, you can access these simply by switching between upper & lower case glyphs within the 2 fonts (e.g. typing 'A' and 'a' will give you 2 alternate characters).

TTF and OTF files are included for both fonts.


Wow - what a year it's been for Faith & Glory! Many of you have requested an update for additional uppercase characters to the script font ('Faith And Glory One') - So here it is!

The little 'And' symbol in the main image was also a big hit, so I've packaged up some extra words in this style ('To', 'Of', 'The'), along with an ampersand symbol for those who didn't want to use the 'And' glyph. These are only available to select via a Glyphs panel as they are not assigned to any keys.

Thanks for looking, and I hope you enjoy it! As always, please don't hesitate to drop me a message if you have any issues or queries.

Keep up to date with my work over on Instagram :) www.instagram.com/setsailstudios

~ Sam

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